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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Social Media: 5 Things You Can Do To Support EWW

1.  Share quotes on Facebook, or other content.

In Facebook, when you see a post you like, there are three options:  like, comment, and share.  “Like” allow you to click a button and tell the person you appreciate their post.  “Comment” lets you say something to the poster about it.  “Share” takes that post, and let s you post it on your own “timeline,” the list of things you say and share.  You can say something with it or not, as you like.  This extends the reach of the post because it’s now seen by people not necessarily in the audience of the original post.

2.  Comment and interact with posts on Facebook, Twitter, and the ShopNotes blog.

The “social” in “social media” means that it’s about interaction.  Gone are the days of the static website, which was essentially just a poster on a wall or a magazine that people could read, but not talk with.  Now, the conversation is expected.

3.  Ask your Facebook and Twitter followers to “like” the EWW page. 

You’ve probably seen this done before, and it can be anywhere from annoying to polite.  I tend to err on the side of “If you’re willing, please consider liking,” rather than the ubiquitous “like my stuff” requests.  I find that has a better success rate.

4.  Share tips on writing or writing prompts that you like. 

Twitter has a 160 character limit, so it disciplines you to be brief; but if you just have to say something in more words then post to Facebook.

5.  A picture’s worth a thousand words.

Share pictures you take of writing events, cool gadgets, or things you see during your daily round.  We have a global audience.  What is “everyday and pedestrian” to you is exotic to someone living in a different place and culture.

Above all, join the conversation!  We’re writers and communicators by nature; let’s have fun together!